Jörn Vrampe

Jörn Vrampe
Baritone saxophonist, born 1964
If someone asks me why it has to be the baritone saxophone, I like to answer: Because it sounds a bit like Tom Waits…
In fact, what fascinates me about this instrument is the brittle beauty of the sound rather than its depth. In the early 90s, as a Coltrane fan, I came across the record “Dakar”. On this album I heard the baritone saxophonist Pepper Adams for the first time. Wow, what a sound! Adams impressed me so much that from then on the tenor saxophone no longer felt right to me. Although I also like to use alto and tenor saxophones when teaching, the baritone saxophone ultimately became my first instrument.


Jörn Vampe

Osterdeich 76

28205 Bremen

Telefon: 0421 22292082

E-Mail: [email protected]

Internet: www.saxophon4u.de

Jörn Vrampe baritone sax on "The Bloody Thumb Cookbook" veraBra